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  • Edit: Mark as read/unread or starred/not starred
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  • View: Filter what intelligence is shown (Such as Unread only)
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Choose a category on the left navigation to filter for only trends, announcements, or other specific kinds of intelligence.

The same items can exist in multiple categories.


  • Score: A rough measure of relevance and importance. Adjust it by clicking the score.
  • Search: Search for words across all intelligence (or your current view) by clicking "More > Search"
  • Select: Highlight articles by clicking the check mark icon, or select all using the top navigation 
  • Star: Put stars next to articles you want to come back to later, and see the ones you've compiled by clicking "Starred" in the left navigation bar.
  • Share: Share intelligence with anybody by clicking the "Share by URL" icon in the reading pane of the article. This will include any summary or recommended action.
  • Add a Note: Add a comment to each article. Only you can see the note.

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